Tuesday 10 December 2013

Borghese Fango Active Mud Review


I am reviewing the Borghese Fango active mud for face and body today and I have to say, first impressions are not good. 

I bought this on mission to defeat black heads after reading this brilliant review on Fluer De Force's blog. 
I figured if it worked for her it would work for me but alas, like so many other products which claim to reduce or clear black heads, this failed for me. 

The price is ridiculous for the tiny tube although you don't need much so I guess if you find it works for you then the paying up to £35 is totally worth it. I picked this up from eBay for £21.00.  

The packaging itself is super cute. I really like the simple yet attractive design and it just makes me want to display it in my bathroom. It has the feel of a luxury product - granted, it is sort of luxury priced) - which is always great.

As you can see it is a very muddy colour and is full on coverage. It has a strong smell to it which I'm not to sure how to describe but I like it. It makes me feel like I'm in a spa. 

It is also very strong to sensitive skin, if like me your skin is even slightly sensitive, I would only use this mask on the areas it is needed. 
I apply this to my nose and chin only, but I do use a generous amount and I can definitely feel it working, unfortunately after I wash it off there is no immediate or long term difference. Sigh.. 

I don't feel very qualified to be reviewing this in detail because I'm no expert on skin care, nor am I clued up on face mask ingredients  I usually just stick to whatever I can find in Holland & Barrett.

Overall, I look the look and feel but it doesn't quite work for me. I'd recommend if you like a luxury feel, have the time and money to spend on using this regularly but don't have too many black heads to fix. 

That's all I've got for now I'm afraid. I hope this helped as this review has been a long time coming. 

Until next time

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